Works of 2020




Der gordische Knoten No. 1/Aber für wen eigentlich?


The screening No. 1/The 70´s and the 90´s


Metapho(to)rismen No. 22/Cracks appear (Crack - The 80´s)


Metapho(to)rismen No. 21/Ghosts in the shell


Metapho(to)rismen No. 20/Water falls


Metapho(to)rismen No. 19/The roads already taken No. 3


Enlightenment No. 1/Trauerarbeit No. 1 (The analogue digital No. 1)


Metapho(to)rismen No. 18/Re-Auratisierung No. 3 (Colourfield painting)


Stripes No. 6/Route 66


Metapho(to)rismen No. 17/ Remember this house No. 4 (The wall)


Metapho(to)rismen No. 16/ Remember this house No. 3 (Türkiye or the ghosts I won´t hide anymore)


Metapho(to)rismen No. 15/The roads already taken No. 2 (Hunters)


Metapho(to)rismen No. 14/The roads already taken No. 1


Metapho(to)rismen No. 13/Re-Auratisierung No. 2 (Die Perspektive und der Fokus)


Metapho(to)rismen No. 12/Re-Auratisierung No. 1 (Die strukturellen Brüche)


Metapho(to)rismen No. 11/De-flowered No. 2 (Deconstruction No. 2/In bloom)


Metapho(to)rismen No. 10/De-flowered No. 1 (Deconstruction No. 1)


Metapho(to)rismen No. 9/Remember this house No. 2 (Ripe with decay)


Metapho(to)rismen No. 8/Remember this house No. 1 (House of blues)


Metapho(to)rismen No. 7/You´ve come a long way, baby


Metapho(to)rismen No. 6/Sehnsucht


Sample minds No. 1 (Tabula rasa No. 1)/

Der Mythos des Kanakademikers


Retrograde No. 6/Die Würde eines Menschen


Who´s afraid of canvaslessness? No.  4/Kritische Masse


Metapho(to)rismen No. 5/Where art thou?


Metapho(to)rismen No. 4/Eye of the beholder


Metapho(to)rismen No. 3/Electri-City


Unschärferelationen No. 2/I´ll (never) fade away…


Unschärferelationen No. 1/I, ambivalent


Metapho(to)rismen No. 2/Europa (Schiffbruch mit Zuschauer)


Metapho(to)rismen No. 1/Die Unschärfe der Abstraktion


Retrograde No. 5/Response to people saying

I should do something with a traditional canvas


Stripes No. 5/The patient (Looking too closely)


Karneval der Residuen No. 3/I, ambigue


Karneval der Residuen No. 2/Ich sagte

“No future” und dachte dabei an Zeitlosigkeit…


Karneval der Residuen No. 1/53.49 – 3.15.20


Monochrome depth No. 5/

The deepest blues are black


Unbearable lightness No. 9 (Polyptychon No. 2)/

Mare tranquillitatis (Swimming pools)


Unbearable lightness No. 8/Into the wild


Retrograde No. 4/ F.O.-C.O.-Ba.Re.