Works of 2022




DNA No. 3/sus


DNA No. 2/Kan-Ser


DNA No. 1/Beruf: Gastarbeitersohn


Beyond the frame (of mind) No. 1/Alright


Hardwired No. 2/The Happiness-Amplifier


Hardwired No. 1/The Bullshit-Detector


AesthEthique, Inc.´ No. Fifteen/

I ain´t sayin´ that they´re goldiggers, but they don´t messin´ with no broke...


Metapho(to)rismen No. 43/Freeride


Metapho(to)rismen No. 42 (Remember this house No. 6)/

D´ailleurs, c´est toujours les autres qui meurent


AesthEthique, Inc.´ No.  Fourteen/For the love of money aka White Washing(ton)


Metapho(to)rismen No. 41 (Remember this house No. 5)/You see me


Metapho(to)rismen No. 40/Go with the flow


AesthEthique, Inc.´ No. Thirteen/How much a dollar cost


Karneval der Residuen No. 4/Schicht für Schicht eine geschichtete Geschichte


AesthEthique, Inc.´ No. Twelve/The bonfire